Thursday 4 August 2011

May be One Day.....

I have seen your pain....I have taste your tears....I have felt your misery...I know it all. A thousand armies could invade my heart but only you had conquered it forever... you breached a fortress of despair, you broke the wall that covered me from the passion of love. You were my armor, you were my pillar that stood ever so tall, now how could you let it all showed me light, a fraction of hope and you took them all back. You gave me love but you also gave me despair. Why do you torment this soul that only longs for your love?? The rain came by...I was finding for shelter...looking for an umbrella...but you were never there.The dark cloud has passed...the rain has stopped but I'm still shivering in cold, for my clothes are still wet. The thoughts of pain has ever shaken me....yet the hope of love, makes me go on. I never cried for the sins I have done...yet I cried for the sins you have done....I love you, and I forgave you....what would it take to make me not fear?? The past has left becomes a blemish in my life...yet why does it all comes back and reopen the wounds....I need to heal. I retire from battle....for this heart has gone threw to much torment already.

I would give you a shoulder to cry on, I would use my palm to wipe your tears....I would kiss those lips that shutters when you fear...I would make you laugh when you are in sorrow. I would embrace you when you shiver in cold...I would be your umbrella when the rain falls. I would listen to every word of your pain and problems, I would advice in every way I could...I would keep you company in the darkest time of your life...I would take a knife straight threw my heart...just to know you would survive...I would die trying to protect I never feel guilty of not trying. I would never give up on you...because I don't want to be the person who never tries harder. I would try impress you in every way...I would do anything to keep this love going but have you ever sat back and think of how much I'm going threw??????

I have done my part....I have never betrayed the trust, I have proven my love...I have given my fullest yet I receive the this heart bleeds in pain for it has been hurt of trying. It has forever beat for you...every beat it speaks your name yet now its covering in can I ever not try to change what you are?? All I have done...was still care for the hope you will change. I have done it all but you still fail to realize that...its all for you. I'm in pain, yet I still kept going...for the hope of this love to forever last.

thought this relationship may never meant to be....I wont be sad...for I know you are better now then before. A caterpillar may be always ugly...but one day it will be a beautiful butterfly. One day you will realize, all I did was change you to a better person...think back of how you were...and think now of what you day, you will know the true meaning of love was never trust or understanding...but care. One day you will realize how much I loved you...When you are on the mountain top, you will look back at me...and wonder why I was lacking behind but the truth is......I was always at the back...for I was forever watching over your back, pushing you on top.

I only wish you could understand everything that I have been doing for you....though words are strong..I see actions stronger...I am a man of few words...but my actions speaks louder. May be not now....but maybe in the future you will realize....I was always holding your hand and I have always loved you from the very depth of my heart.



  1. if u cared. u wouldnt torture a person who is perfect for u just the way she is right now. u appreciate wat u have right now. before it just goes down the drain. no point crying over spilt milk.

  2. easy said then done....if you think betrayal is easily forgiven then why God didn't forgive the devil for betraying his trust?? if it has to go down the least i know i have given my all.
