Monday 13 May 2013

The Undeniable Truth

I have heard many tales, Love stories from good turning bad, well I had my own share of pain, being a part of the love fantasy that i got my self into. 

Well let me say this my fellow heart broken people.....girls and guys, Love is true but what happens when it is tarnished by lies, deceit and betrayal?  it turns into CRAP!!! well at the start it will all be fine....beautiful....a  
dream and it would seem that she or he is the one for you, and in the end either one fucks it up and there it goes.....down the drain. Why? has this question popped up in your brains? I'm sure many times but being as selfish as we all are living in the materialistic world given everything and spoon fed, we would only blame the other and never give "the benefit of the doubt" a chance to take place. I'm sure we all have checked on our gf/bf to see if they are cheating on us (if u say no suck my middle finger). Have we put our self in their shoes? It would have solved lots of misunderstanding..... 

There are cases where we are loyal, truthful, and loved them with everything we had.... basically*take a bullet for them* but they betray and cheat all we held pure to them.....then even if we could forgive them, the trust will never be the same and in the end as much as we try to hold on to will eventually fail (trust me been there). Now what do we all do after we face such issues where they leave you for another guy/girl???
Cry like mad, sulk, drama, some go mad, some commit suicide, try to kill the person, all kinds of shit because it the pain is worst then death itself. 

Now how do we move on then? people have many ways of moving on, rebound relationships, having a sex spree, flirt with every possible person, or even turning lesbian/gay. the most chose to hate the person for the betrayal he or she has committed to break their heart and leaving. well hating the person is good because eventually the love you had for her will turn to hatred, but at the same time we would make a mistake of treating the the next relationship with the burst amount of hatred left inside. Insecurities takes we screw it up again.

well, all im trying to say is that, we are human, we make mistakes and we learn from them and hell yeah! we will keep making new mistakes but we still learn from them...haha. so its always better to be cautious....choose the person who deserve the love and give your heart. Learn from our past relationships..... some will say forget the past and move on....i will say dont, use it as a teaching, remember it but regret it because you made a mistake being with a cheat who left you for another. If you people say 'Love is blind' or 'Love at first sight' please show me your face so i can punch it so hard and get you back to reality.....stop listening to your parents stories because at their time love cant be exchanged like our generation. And yeah for those who think karma will screw your gf/bf for cheating on you.....well go find the person who created the word Karma AND KICK HIS ASS because for all you know you will be long dead by the time karma hits her or him. 

Move on.....we live life only once, so lets not waste tears over wasted people, they have already wasted the memories and pure love you held dear so why waste time for this people. yeah its easier said then done....its hard to move on because you loved them sincerely but ask your self....You going to stay single for the rest of your life thinking about that cheat is it????? the best way to punish them is to Move on and live your life and show them your happy....they will soon realize what they have lost and that your happy without them. And if you finally met the right person your getting married to......send your ex the wedding invitation, And see their ass boil....hahahahaha. 


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