Saturday 17 August 2013


A shadow that lurked in utter destroyed, hope of ever falling in love blocked by a indestructible wall of pain that accumulated as this heart has been betrayed by that very love before. A heart that was soft and filled with emotions turned to fear...fear of falling in love. It was to late to realize how turns of events made that very fear...turn to hatred. I had driven my anger and consumed my fear....a life I lived in consumed by solitude and self contempt. I learn to live a life alone....without love.

Yet I see how futile it has been, this heart has always longed for those long lost emotions. it has always wanted to be cared be one with another. It was only when your beauty captivated me....your kind and loving sweet smile that brimmed with such beauty and hope....this heart has been stolen. The world stood still for a moment as I was lost blinded by that easily those walls that barricade my heart was shattered to effortlessly this heart was stolen.

They say if there is one person you are destined to meet, the whole universe will make sure you meet that person. I believe we were meant to meet....the moment our eyes met, I have lost myself with Your graceful smile, your playful laughter, your cloud of hair that sits on your shoulder with pride, your eyes that speaks only the truth, beauty and grace walk with you, a sight so lovely to see that even the moon would bow to you every night to share some of your light...all this that I have just said is a mere attempt to describe how your beauty is to my eyes, if I were to say, You were an angel sent from heaven and true beauty like you cant be found in this whole universe...that compliment in truth would be nothing compared to how I truly feel about you as there are no words in any language to describe how I truly feel....even if I could tell, I wouldn't know how.  

Your gaze has sheared this heart to deep, So deep that I could drown in your eyes never to surface again. It has showed me how much of a man I have become, it has showed me what beauty truly means, it has showed me every aspects of fruitfulness joy can give. It gave me a reason to has undeniably showed me, what love is....No actually, you defined love to me. There are a million words I would say to you, but my
heart wonders how as words cant explain this bursting emotions.

I love is not loneliness or lust that brought this is the gift that god has given make a man blush at your smile, to look into your eyes and see wonders. the gift to picture a perfect world together with you....  Your eyes, I saw a light in those eyes....I saw hope in them. That it could rekindle lost emotions I used to feel....though buried in my heart, its only waiting to awaken for you...I might get hurt, I might not have what I desire, but the anguish I feel of not telling you how I truly feel hurts more then death itself.

Forgive me that I have fallen so soon, forgive me for not savoring the bonds of friendship we promised. But do not forgive me for loving you as it was utterly your fault....I wouldn't say fate has lead me to this, I would say lost hopes has given me a clear picture still lives within me, it was only buried deep inside...waiting for a chance to show itself....and you, have awoken that love. I could only thank you for it...

I do not expect you to love me....I do not expect you to hate me either....I only wish for you to know how much you truly mean to me and how much I love you.....I love you with all I have, with my pure as it could be.


Saturday 10 August 2013

The Best Smile....

That smile, it takes me awhile to explain those deep emotions i feel when i see it. It is kind, it shows care, it defines beauty but most of all, it is the sweetest. No man would have just a glance at it, as it is captivating and addictive....A smile that would shine across the darkest nights, like the moonlight on the dark sky.It shows in your eyes, the glimmering twinkle in those eyes as the warmest smile appear,

It comes straight from your heart and lights others like a beacon. A feeling where men would forever drown, as it turns them upside down.Your smile could explain dreams, it takes pain away, it makes the weak stronger and the sad, rejoice.....A smile like an angel, no stars would match its beauty.

I love the way your face brightens, such love, joy and happiness. such dignity and grace...A God given gift that only few have, to have both beauty that could stop a man at his feet.
I am proud to be one of those man who has fallen for your smile, addicted and mesmerized. Unexplained emotions bursting inside where all i wish to do is see your smile again....

It could be my worst day, a smile of yours takes that away,
It brightens my day, and promises everything's okay,
as troubles last all night, all i need is your smile to know its alright.
as your smile does so many things, i know i can accomplish anything.
Your smile is a promise, that i wont fall into my own demise,
your smile destroys space for doubt, as it always lightens my heart.
It is definitely what i need and cant live without......

the joy you have given since you have came into this life, all i can do is to promise that i will always make you smile and i truly adore the little dimples that form when u smile. A promise i made to never let it fade, to keep this angels beautiful smile alive....even in a gloomy day, even when the sun doesn't shine.... this loyal lover of your smile will always finds hes way to make you smile again.  

Now, it breathes life into me. 
