Tuesday 3 September 2013

Stormy Seas....

I wonder how I have survived, 

The hurricanes and storms that crushed my soul tormenting every bit of strength I had left to pursue even a glimpse of light, over the dark clouds that enveloped the skies above me.... as I lay floating hoping I would reach the shore....

I saw it, shimmering but slowly bright. 

I wondered if my time was at an end and that the heavens were ready to have me....but soon I realized it wasn't the heavens but it was just the rays of light from the sun, escaping through the cloud as it breaks apart....it gave me warmth that filled my eyes, but most importantly....it gave me hope. 

The seas went silent, the storms bowed to its might....the sound of waves began to streamline like silk on the wind. as the sun sets, it showed me the beauty of its end, like it was saying "goodbye for now".... the horizon it showed me. such beauty as it sunk gently into the seas. 

As the day darkened, fear enveloped my heart but it never lasted. The Moon came out to greet me with a joyful smile...her silver light was addictive as it was to beautiful that even the stars followed her as she came. As I stared at this beauty....many things came to my mind....the galaxies, millions of stars and the billions of planets...but one thing came clearly to my mind................ You...

Your beauty and grace, the things I am yet to discover from, the sun reminds me of your grace and warmth, the moon reminds me of the prettiest smile you gave that stole my heart, the sound of waves reminds me of your voice that resounds perfect music to my ears,  the stars reminds me of your eyes as I would always easily get lost in them, basically you have saved me from the storm that invaded my heart and showed me true beauty.....

To me...Your beauty transcends all life, a beauty no angels could match...


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